Finally, the WotLK version of the much-loved Jewelcrafting Quick Reference Sheet. The format’s changed slightly and it’s not as pretty, because Blizzard introduced a ton of new gem cuts in WotLK, and there just wasn’t room for them in the old layout.
This table includes all jewelcrafting gem cuts excluding BoP gems that are JC-only. It is current as of 3 November 08, final WotLK beta build.

If you prefer it in PDF form, you can download a copy here: jc30a.pdf.
Last updated 7 November 08.
Edit, later on 7th November: Sharp-eyed reader Canth spotted two duplicate entries; I’ve corrected them, and taken a moment to fix some formatting issues. If you downloaded the PDF already, you might want to grab the new copy.
There’s two powerful and persistant gems. Which one is correct?
Fixed! Thanks for spotting that. :)
have blizzzard missed out the pattern for inscribed Monarch cant find anywhere
I used the data from that pdf to do a breakdown of stat modifiers by cut gem colors.
The pattern of output colors for stats is the same across all the WoWHead recipes that I’ve checked so far (about 3 dozen).
But I’m not sure it’s always the same.
– krin
The Stat/Color rule of thumb for WotLK seems to be:
Dual stat gems have the colors mixed and fit in either socket.
Stat Color
_____ ____________________________
Agi Red
AP Red (Attack Power)
APenn Red (Armor Penetration)
Dodge Red
Exp Red
Parry Red
SP Red (Spell Power)
Str Red
Crit Yellow
Def Yellow
Haste Yellow
Hit Yellow
Int Yellow
Res Yellow
mp5 Blue
SPenn Blue (Spell Penetration)
Spi Blue
Sta Blue
PS. My chart found 2 errors in the PDF data.
Wicked Huge Citrine is AP/Crit = 12/6 (not Crit/AP = 12/6).
Wicked Monarch Topaz is AP/Crit = 16/8 (not Cirt/AP = 16/8).
– krin
this is really very helpful for looking at whats going down and what to prepare for in 3.2 without trawling wowhead for informtaion. Well presented and helpful.
I don’t see the epic numbers on either the gif or the PDF version.