I don’t generally make “yay I got this loot last night!” posts, but I can’t help but post about this because I’m so darn happy about it.
Throughout TBC, I was one of my guild’s worst-geared healers, because my dice hate me. I wasn’t lagging to the point of ridiculousness, but I was always one of the last to get an upgrade.
Thankfully, in WotLK, things seem to be somewhat different. Last night Gluth dropped Life and Death, and I expected there to be fierce competition for it. I pulled out a mighty roll of 98, and faced absolutely zero competition anyway as everyone was hoping to roll on the tier tokens instead.

As a bonus, it looks freaking awesome.
I wanted that sword so bad, and you go and roll a 98! /emo
Kidding, grats, it does look awesome! :)
Oooo!~ Grats! I think that one is worth bragging about. Super-sexy stats, and an awesome graphic to boot!
Grats Siha! That looks awesome!
It’s a beautiful sword! As a former mage, I envy you such an amazing weapon. As a current shadow priest, who can’t use swords, I congratulate you on such an awesome weapon!
Ever since I seen that sword I envied that I couldn’t use them, it looks awesome! Congrats :)
Congratz!!! Now that´s a Good Looking Weapon!!!
Wow you’re right, that is a great looking sword. Much grats!
That is shiny! Im gonna have to get me one of those ^.^
Ooh, pretties! And even better, it MATCHES the rest of your gear!
That is a beautiful looking sword! Good work on getting it!
I actually made the comment (in the hunter channel) that it was a great looking weapon when I saw the loot. Hunter weapons are usually all business – sometimes I take my pretty dual Hakkari swords (from ZG) out of the bank for screenshots ;)
That. Is. A. Sweet. Sword.
Makes me wish druids could use swords :P
Oh wait we’ll get polearms :D
Anyways congratulations! We all know how it is to not get any loot in a while and BAAM! :D
Gratz! Good to see holy palys getting good drops. I’ve pug’ed Naxx a couple times but haven’t gotten a good drop yet.
That’s dropped twice in the guild runs, and both times went to a paladin (Siha and another).
Paladins seem to make out really well on our runs, and the guild leader is a paladin. Hmm…
Gratz!! i have that sword as well and i love it, lol but i would part from it in a second for the Turning Tide which is the best in slot wpn for holy pallies currently. Gratz though looks sweet