A quick handy tip for you all that’s made my life easier in countless raids and instances: Zoom Out! On any fight with environmental factors, it can make a huge difference. Want to not be the nub who can’t dodge a lava wall on Sartharion? Zoom out!
But, of course, the camera doesn’t zoom out very far – even when you scroll out as far as you can go, even when you go into your interface settings and set the maximum zoom to the end of the slider.
Fear not: you can go beyond the values that slider offers you; you just have to enter a console command to do so.
There are various commands that will give you the desired effect; the one I use is:
That will let you scroll out much, much further than the interface settings will give you. How much further? My zoom, let me show you it:

Click the image to see a larger version, making it clear just how much you can zoom out. Hope this helps?